Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Also Known As: CBC and blood count.

The complete blood count (CBC) assesses diseases that affect red blood cells.

Red blood cells are the carriers of oxygen to every cell in the body. It can cause:

  • Anemia
  • Polycythemia

Red Blood Cells (RBC)

The RBC red blood cell counts hemoglobin and hematocrit. If abnormal tells us whether or not we’re dealing with:

  • Anemia or
  • Polycythemia

Anemia is defined as having fewer than normal red blood cells.

Again, Anemia is when there’s not enough red blood cells. When it comes to blood diseases, it’s more common than any other.

Common symptoms of Anemia are:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart pounding
  • Dizziness and sweating

Polycythemia is the problem of more than an average amount of red blood cells present.

Polycythemia is due to too many red blood cells.

In Addition:

The MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW are measurements of individual red blood cells. These measurements can go a long way towards determining the cause of Anemia.

White Blood Cells (WBC)

The CBC also assesses diseases that affect WBCs.

WBCs fight infections in the body. An increase or decrease in the count can cause:

  • Leukopenia - Fewer than expected number of white blood cells
  • Leukocytosis - An increased white count of white blood cells can result from infection
  • Malignancy - When a component of the white blood cells grows without limit (e.g., leukemia)

Your WBC count can be abnormal, either high or low, in different diseases. An elevated white count is more than likely a sign of infection.

White blood cells are typically linked to your body’s immune system.

There are five different kinds of WBCs:

  • Neutrophils
  • lymphocytes
  • Monocytes
  • Eosinophils and
  • Basophils

Each one of these WBCs has a different function in the body’s fight against the disease.

Finally, the CBC assesses the diseases of the platelets. These tiny blood cells are essential in forming blood clots.

If the platelet count is too low, then a person can be at risk of severe bleeding.

This low platelet count is called thrombocytopenia.

In thrombocytosis, there’re more than the usual amount of platelets, and a person can be at risk for blood clots such as:

  • Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulmonary embolus (PE)

DVT is medical speak for a blood clot that forms in a vein (typically the legs).

A PE is also a blood clot, but it forms in the blood vessel of a lung.

Note: A blood sample is taken. No preps are required before this test.

How To Check Your CBC

You can get this test online for cheap WITHOUT a doctor or insurance.

Click here to learn more.

Kind Regards,
David, RN, CCRN
Founder of AndrogenHacker

David Becker, RN, CCRN
David Becker, RN, CCRN Mr. Becker is a father, husband, and CCRN in Trauma ICU. You can read his inspiring comeback story From 412ng/dl To 923ng/dl In 6 Months - Without TRT. Feel free to send David a message here.